Baby Cranial Osteopathy

Meet the team

Meet Vispi Jamooji

Meet Vispi Jamooji

Consultant Osteopath

Meet Marta Vacca

Meet Marta Vacca

Team Osteopath

What we offer

New born baby cranial massage


Gentle and relaxing

Help baby to smile again

Crying babies welcome

Specialist paediatric cranial osteopath

Recommended by Midwives

Advice for struggling parents


Cranial Osteopath Vispi Jamooji London

New born baby massage


Cranial Osteopathy is a safe and gentle enough for new born babies, specially from birth. It is used to help calm and relax. This works towards giving your new born child the best start in life. Please click here to read our blog on cranial osteopathy.

Cranial Osteopathy, first visit


During a Baby Cranial Osteopathy treatment everything is explained step by step, and everything is very gentle. Our methods work to help your baby relax.

Help is at hand for parents too. Parents who may feel ‘out of their depth’ or in need of guidance at this difficult time. We spend time showing mums and dads how to support baby at home, to help continue the calming effects at home. Watch our free 10min Youtube Home-Help-Video here.


Specialist Paediatric Osteopath


Vispi Jamooji is one of a few paediatric cranial osteopaths in the UK to be awarded the Specialist Paediatric Osteopathic Practice qualification. This means he has completed the specialist paediatric training at the world renowned British School of Osteopathy, London. Combined with his experience as a senior osteopath of 30 years, you are assured of the best baby care for your new-born child.

Vispi is a father to two beautiful daughters. His first daughter cried incessantly at birth, following an assisted delivery in the early 1990’s. This was the start of his personal quest to explore new ways of calming and understanding the crying baby (Baby Cranial Osteopathy). He has a special interest in supporting parents of distressed babies, having experienced this himself. He is widely read and has a keen interest in sleep and feeding improvement.

Your peace of mind


As with all new-born babies we know new situations may develop at any time. So keep in touch with us by telephone, SMS or email, we will help, advice and guide you. The first few months of life are very special. We do our best to help you and baby enjoy these days, which we know pass all too quickly.

We have good relations with the medical profession. In fact we have treated many GPs and their families including their children. We work to support the medical profession and receive referrals from lactation consultants, midwives, doulas and doctors for new born babies and children.


My baby son (who had a very quick delivery) cried pretty much continuously for the first 4 weeks of his life (in between extensive and voracious feeding). I was told that he had reflux but mothers’ instinct steered me toward finding other answers and treatment.
I had heard about the benefits of cranial osteopathy and thankfully found myself and my son under the care of Vispi. His treatment was gentle and non-evasive but the effect on my son was immediate and dramatic. After only a couple of sessions he could be on his back without crying, his feeding regulated, his sleeping improved and his little clenched fists began to unfurl. I would recommend Vispi to any new mum (and often do).

Laura Thomas 
Laura Thomas

Thank you for taking the pain out of my life. I feel so alive after month of suffering. I can finally get on with living the way I used to. 28 Nov 23

Victoria M 
Victoria M

The only place that can offer instant relief to pain.

Christine Ashby 
Christine Ashby