Osteopathy for the internal organs – part 2

Osteopathy for the internal organs – part 2

Visceral Osteopathy This is part 2 of 2. Click here for part 1. So, here we are again trying to discover a few very common issues between us. If you recognise any of the them it would be worth visiting our visceral osteopath here at the Living Centre Clinic, who will...
Osteopathy for the internal organs – part 2

Osteopathy for the internal organs – part 1

Visceral Osteopathy This is part 1 of 2. Click here for part 2 London is a wonderful and exciting city! Every day is a new day, full of new opportunities. Nevertheless, in the long term, this hectic lifestyle can be a source of stress. Working all day, just enough...
Transformational Breathing

Transformational Breathing

Transformational Breathing ® What’s the no 1 most important thing you can do for your health? As a nation, we spend a fortune in the quest for gaining better health and wellbeing. We try the new ‘best diet ever’, the new exercise fad, the ‘miracle’ supplement or...

A Gut Feeling; Digestive problems

DO YOU SUFFER FROM DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS? Symptoms include pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, gas, acid reflux. Causes are varied, but the most obvious cause is eating a food to which you are intolerant, or which contains substances that are difficult to break...